It is Christmas Eve … keep an eye out for Santa.

It is just hours away until Ryan’s Christmas Lights gets under way this Christmas Eve. Christmas Eve is typically the busiest night for the display so please be extra mindful of the increased pedestrians and cars, if you plan on coming by. The supply of candy canes has been replenished for any children who would like one.

And finally because Christmas Eve is extra special, a little elf has told me that all the boys and girls ought to keep a special eye on one of the windows just in case Santa decides to drop in and wave to everybody!

Tonight’s display begins from 8:30 pm and concludes at 10:30 pm.

Merry Christmas to all.

A gift of a gingerbread house

A gingerbread house gifted by one fan of Ryan's Christmas LightsSomething very special happened this week when one frequent visitor surprised me with an amazing looking gingerbread house (complete with multicolour icicle lights on the gutters!) as thanks for doing the light display. How awesome is that?

This was completely unexpected and I am still buzzing over just how much the Christmas light display really means to some people, be they children or children at heart. Thank you!

The new roof outline, and when to expect 2015 videos

Christmas is fast approaching with under 1 week to go, and other than one wet night Ryan’s Christmas Lights has been running throughout the month. At this time of the month there is a higher volume of traffic (pedestrians and cars) so I would like to ask everyone to be extra cautious of this when in the area. Street parking is available in both Emerald Street and Jet Road if you would like to take a closer look at the display, stretch your legs, et cetera.

Unfortunately, the new roof outline that was planned to be part of the 2015 display will not be working by Christmas and may not feature until 2016 due to unexpected equipment failure. It is thought that the source of the problem could be a faulty power supply that was providing a higher voltage output than it should have, resulting in equipment damage. There is the slimmest of chances the roof outline might be working after Christmas before the end of the month so the official display videos have been delayed until then!

First photos of 2015 are now online

Photo of Ryan's Christmas Lights 2015The first photos of the 2015 display are now online for viewing – woohoo!

Of course, Christmas lights always look better in person. If you’d like to visit the display the Directions page will tell you how to get here (and as a bonus, addresses for some other synchronised musical Christmas light displays around Adelaide).

Ryan’s Christmas Lights turn on nightly at 8:30 pm until 10:30 pm (unless it is raining).

A return to nice weather … the display is back on!

After ending the show early last night due to wet and stormy weather, the conditions are much more pleasant this evening so Ryan’s Christmas Lights will be back up and running as normal from 8:30 to 10:30 pm.

Meanwhile, the new roof outline which although is now physically in place, remains out of action this time due to suspected broken electronics – investigations continue. It is a little disappointing this element to the display is not working although on the upside the display as a whole still looks good if you ask me!

Display cancelled due to wet weather

In the interest of safety Ryan’s Christmas Lights has been cancelled for tonight (7 December 2015) due to the patchy wet weather. Sorry folks! Fingers crossed tomorrow’s conditions are more favourable.

In other news, I am still working on the new roof outline which I had hoped would be all done by tonight (before the weather change), but it did not work out that way. This new roof outline is now installed but some computer configuration issues are delaying lighting this element up once and for all.

Display is live as promised – to be completed in next day or so

Today is the first day of December – the start of the Christmas lighting season for many – and as promised Ryan’s Christmas Lights 2015 is lighting up Salisbury East! There is still a few things left that need ironing out, including the new roof outline, which I hope to have ready in the next day or two.

The display is now running nightly from 8:30 pm to 10:30 pm until December 31st (rain permitting, of course).

Two days to go, it’s going to be a last minute ‘Christmas Rush’

December 1st is fast approaching; this coming Tuesday in fact! Where has the time gone?

The installation process of Ryan’s Christmas Lights 2015, despite almost being finished, is unfortunately falling a little behind schedule. Despite some full days (and nights!) of setting up this week, some elements have not yet been installed. A full scale test run is also yet to occur. Rest assured, I am still working towards a December 1 launch but there is a chance that some parts of the display may not be ready for a couple of days, after December 1.

A flashy addition to the mega tree this yearThe new roof outline I teased in the last update is one of the next elements to be installed tomorrow although because it is a different kind of lighting technology to anything else in the display this is going to take a little time to get working. As for the ‘flashy’ addition, a day time photo has been added to the 2015 gallery – any guesses what it could be?

Planned changes to the 2015 display

Time for a pre-season update! With the weather warming up, days becoming longer…and more importantly Santa Claus back in town…the Christmas lighting season is not far away!

Ryan’s Christmas Lights is in the process of being set up with a target completion date of December 1 as usual. With so much left to put out it will be a challenge to get everything installed in time.

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Goodbye, Ryan’s Christmas Lights 2014…Hello 2015!

The final night of Ryan’s Christmas Lights 2014 has just come to an end. So sad. But it isn’t forever – there are only 11 months until December comes around once again!

I hope you’ve enjoyed this year’s Christmas light display however you saw it – in person, online, or otherwise.

With 2015 now just 90 minutes away here in South Australia, I’d like to wish everyone a safe and happy new year!

This is Ryan’s Christmas Lights 2014, signing off.