Extreme hot weather and adjusted running times

Due to the extreme heat, tonight’s display will likely not start until after 9 pm with some of the lights unplugged for the whole night. A moment ago at 8 pm, the local outside temperature was still hovering around 40 degrees (C). This is approaching the upper recommended operating conditions for some of the equipment that runs the Christmas lights display.

Tomorrow (Friday) will be another day of extreme heat, however Saturday should be cooler and much more comfortable.

2018’s display planned to begin December 2nd

It is busy-busy time here at Ryan’s Christmas Lights setting up the 2018 display! This year’s display should be on nightly from December 2nd (Sunday). Weather forecasts for the 1st predict heavy afternoon showers that may linger into the evening.

Some of this year’s changes are still in the construction phase so may not be put out until after the first week of December.

A little longer to go for the videos … Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! It is 2018, and that means that is the end of Ryan’s Christmas Lights for 2017. Boo! I hope you have had a chance to come by and see the show, but if not there will be videos!

Videos of the display are currently being edited, so these are still a little while away before being uploaded to ryanschristmaslights.com/videos/#2017. I will post another update when they are ready to watch.