Merry Christmas

Today’s the day – Christmas Day! I hope you all have had a great day with family, friends celebrating the day however you see fit.

If you have not seen this year’s display yet and would still like to, don’t forget it will continue to run from 8:30 to 10:30 pm right up until New Years Eve.

Whoops… we had gremlins! Now all fixed.

Apologies to anyone who came past tonight, who saw a dark house! There were gremlins in the control system and due to other festive events I was not able to fix it during the show time. But now all looks set once again so the display will be back on as planned from tomorrow (Monday) at 8:30 pm.

On the plus side, some videos and photos are now live on the videos and 2012 gallery respectively. More videos are coming.

Let there be light!

The 2012 season for Christmas lights has begun! There were a few spots of rain and the odd clap of thunder earlier, but the weather cleared just in time. As always, the light show running times are 8:30 to 10:30 pm throughout December.

The webcam is up and running during show times for those who want to see the display live. Photos and HD videos will begin to appear in the next few days. So many ways to see the display, but nothing beats seeing it in person (need directions?)

One week until Switch On

Well, the days are counting away as December 1 approaches. This time next week, there will be light! At least that is the plan.

Most of the display has been installed, with the testing soon to follow. Not all is finished with the set up stage, however, as some of the new light additions this year ended up being too short. Longer ones are on the way, but the big question is will they arrive in time for December 1st? Time will tell!

Once weather forecasts for December 1st become available, if they suggest a wet start to December then a further blog post will be made. Rain will inevitably delay the initial light up of the display for safety reasons – water and power don’t mix.

Tonight’s display in doubt due to heavy rain & storms

Heavy rain and thunderstorms are approaching over the next hour. There is a chance that there will not be a display tonight as a result of this wet weather.

A final decision will be made closer to 8:30 tonight.

UPDATE 1 8:30pm: The display is running, but may switch off before 10:30 pm if the thunderstorms return.

UPDATE 2 9:40pm: Heavy rains have returned so the display has been switched off for the night early. The lights return tomorrow at 8:30 pm.